What is the point of November? Its just dark, cold, wet and nothing fun happens. There are no holidays, festivals of sporting events to take peoples minds of the tedium of getting up in the dark going to work in the rain and then tramping home again in the dark and gloom.
September has the blaze of colour that a nature throws up as its swan song for the end of summer. December has the lights of Christmas, Lucia and the anticipation of a well earned holiday. But November has nothing like that.
I propose to simply cancel November and go straight from September to December. That way we can all miss out the most depressing month of the year.
April is pretty rubbishy too. There isn't enough decent snow to ski and the weather is too cold and wet for it to really feel like spring.
If we could cancel April too then we could also ditch the silly Gregorian Calendar and replace it with a nice modern 'Metric' calendar with only ten months (only they would't be called months they would be 'deciyears').
Maybe I should start lobbying the EU parliament......
Tänkvärt på måndagen
8 years ago
It's true. At least in the US during November they throw in Thanksgiving so you have an excuse so stay inside and eat a lot of delicious food.
We realy need something like that here to help offset the depression caused by the change in daylight and the cold miserable weather.
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