The English are well known for being a bit uptight about sex. Its all part of the culture of remaining in control and keeping things private, where the only things remaining stiff are the upper lips.
Being a modern bloke I'm much more relaxed about these things but even I was surprised to open up the local newspaper this weekend (VLT) to see a two page review of different dildos and sex aides. I guess the context for this was that it was the midsommar edition and the midsommar pole is basically a huge phallic symbol. I'm just not sure its what I want to see first thing in the morning while eating breakfast...
This does however reinforce the English stereotype of the Swedes as being more sexually open and promiscuous. I don't really see this stereotype now I live in Sweden but the problem is that in the UK the most well know Swedes as Svennis, a man who would do well to exercise the same kind of 'ball control' as his players, and Ulrika Jonsson, who is Britain's top Eurotramp. Ulrika was not only linked to Svennis, but also, and this puts her in a real class of her own, when called upon to host a UK version of the bachelor...slept with the bachelor.
The third most famous Swede in the UK is of course the Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show and although he was never involved in any sex scandals was never the less regularly seen in his kitchen choking the chicken...
Tänkvärt på måndagen
8 years ago
Oh, the Swedish "kock". Everything comes to phallic symbols...
If you are in that mode.
Well I agree that you can see phallic symbols everywhere if you choose to see the world that way (I mean what is Skrapan if not a huge penis thrusting itself upwards from the pubic mound of downtown Västerås). But the midsommar pole is a big trunk with a couple of balls hanging from it - theres no subtle symbolism there - ita a great big dick plain and simple.....
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